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Creative Ballet, Dance with Joy

Time and location flexible, based on group’s request

Extracurricular Pod • Spots available

Dance With Joy is a Ballet class for ages 18 months-6th grade. My desire is to inspire your children, emphasize technique and cultivate creative movement. If you feel this may be a good asset to your program please contact Dance With Joy today. Don't just dance for fun, Dance With Joy!


  • Cost: $20/30 for 30-45 minute classes, $30/40 for 60 minute, siblings’ discount

  • Attire: comfortable clothes and shoes.

Safety Approach

  • Spacing and masks would be enforced on indoor classes

  • 8 children max per group

  • Health waiver required

Facilitator and organizer:


Tour and Scavenger Hunt at Central Park


Dionne's Movement Class