What people are saying

“This summer almost felt “normal” for our 3.5 year old because Shlomit and Noa were able to organize a mini art camp. The camp ran 4 days a week for 3 hours with a professional art educator. In 3 weeks I saw tremendous social and artistic growth in Emi. Pandemic aside, having an expert in her field offer exploratory art lessons and nature walks was like every “helicopter” parent’s dream 😆. Michal, the art teacher, was so creative and comprehensive with her curriculum. The kids learned about great artists like Alma Thomas and Wassily Kandinsky. They created planters from recycled card board, learned about tree roots, made wind mobiles, kept an art journal of things they saw in nature, and created paintings with marbles among so so much more! Even more important for me as a parent was the opportunity this offered Emi to be in a small social setting with other kids her age that was safe and contained. I’m so grateful to Shlomit and Noa for making it happen!” ”

— Orrin P., Father of 2, East Village, NYC

“My kids and I had a great experience with Pods. If you are looking to get your NYC kids into a good educational setting, start here. 'Pods' can help you, whereas the DOE simply doesn't care.”

— Mike K. , Father of 2, East Village, NYC

“When we felt it was the right time to engage with other children, Noa and Shlomit stepped in so quickly and effectively! I filled in the form, and within less than a week we joined a pod! My husband and I got to see our children learning and developing with other kids their age, while their families shared our educational and safety values. We are so grateful to Pods!” 

— Kira B., Mother of 2, East Village, NYC

“Pods is helping survive my business. Covid19 has directly affected artists and small businesses. Through this platform I am able to be connected with families and students at local spots around Manhattan. I now feel like I finally have a direction for a future of dancing. I am so grateful and excited to dance with your children! Don’t just dance for fun, Dance With Joy. “

— Joy M., Dance Teacher, NYC

“As an art teacher my mind is busy with materials, potential projects, what kids might or may not like and so forth. The advertising, marketing and communication side is not my forte, though it’s just, if not more, important than the planning. Shlomit and Noa really helped me grow my classes into a small business. They directed me and suggested specific marketing options on social media and in the local community. They even connected me with other professionals in my area. They kept checking in with me as time went on. Shlomit and Noa - thank you! You were so generous and helpful with your time and ideas. “

— Michal N., Art Teacher, NYC